July 3, 2008

As part of the site launch, the team from JC sought out the help of Berlin based DJ Haikuza (lives between Seattle and Berlin) to set the tone of the site with the first playlist. All tracks are available for purchase…or let DJ Haikuza set the tone and let the entire playlist spin as you work, clean, daydream, shop or avoid work or cleaning. Ty from Jeffrey Campbell caught up with DJ Haikuza last week in Spain and asked him how he described himself—his work and his vision of all things HAIKUZA….

The Barcelona sun was beating down, and the two sipped post-siesta coffees and caught up…Haikuza filled Ty DJ HKZin on new tracks, artists and the hipness of being unhip…and explained himself as an:

“Audio delegate of the cutting edge, Haikuza is the host of the experimental pop venture Idiot Avant (, broadcast Monday nights on KSER 90.7 FM near Seattle. He has an affinity for Japanese vanguard sound art & noise traditions, but tempers this addiction with daily studies in French pop. When people say to him, “I absolutely hated your show last night,” Haikuza feels like he has accomplished a great deal. He is honored to be the first guest DJ for Jeffrey Campbell’s muxtape.”

Pleased stay tuned for seasonal playlists from DJ Haikuza and other mixmasters—-brought exclusively to your ears by

WORK GIRL. Oh Child Work. (found on myspace)

June 27, 2008

Sure it’s 2am. Sure I am waiting for roomservice (grilled cheese mmmmmkay) in a lonely Chicago Hotel. Sure I had a few Gin and Tonics. But—-it all seemed to pay off when I stumbled upon a JC hot shot on a myspace page. Check the DEVINA in Pink Combo….(Shoe on the right) working the Jeffrey Campbell look and stuff…..I feel bad for that wedge next to it….HOOOOT!. Devina in Pink Combo is available right now at SHOEGASM in NYC.
You Better WORK!

Big in Japan

June 27, 2008

Here are Jeffrey Campbell there are several things, people, stores, designers we are obsessed with….several things we chat about over the watercooler or around the office. When several of those things are lumped into one press hit we get a little crazy-excited!!

In no specific order those obsessions captured here are:
2. Japan
3. Jeffrey Campbell Boxes stacked mountain high next to super models
4. Shoe Market
6. The Jeffrey Campbell Athena. Currently Available at SHOEMARKET in Williamsburg Brooklyn.



June 27, 2008

First you hear the bass. Then you see the lowered car driving towards you. Music pours out the lowered windows and as the car nears you hear the lyrics. You begin to hum. You snap your fingers. You begin to mumble, then sing along. It’s amazing you know the lyrics, but somehow you do….

“And I am going to miss you like a child misses their blanket. But I’ve got to get on move oh with my own life. It’s time to be a big girl now. And Big girls don’t cry. Big girls don’t cry. ”

While this FERGIE smash hit isn’t comprised of Nobel prize winning lyrics—it is catchy—it is magic. It is power-pop goodness. However, what is more magical than FERGIE herself working a fierce look in the JEFFREY CAMPBELL ATHENA sandal in downtown LA. Purchased at Hillary Rush–this seems to be Fergie’s summer go-to–and we here at JEFFREY CAMPBELL love it!! The Athena can be found at many of our best accounts and online at

Jeffrey Campbell Giveaway…..

June 26, 2008

With the Launch of the new Jeffrey Campbell interwebs site—we have paired with LA based accessory designer Shawna Joy Anderson to provide 50 lucky JC fans with a limited edition treat. Hidden inside a Jeffrey Campbell embossed velvet sack is your very own Jeffrey Campbell charm necklace!! Dangling from a chunky oversized Ms. T style chain are your favorite charms and a tiny Jeffrey Campbell stamped heart. It’s like the” best friends forever” necklace you have been searching for forever!!! FOREVER! How do you get yours….well it’s easy! Simply email a picture of yourself to with a pic of yourself either in your favorite JC kicks or posing with your favorite pair!! It’s that easy. In the subject bar please type JC GIRLS and include your mailing address in the body of the email. In addition to your picture being posted on our site–the first 50 to submit photos–will receive their very own necklace!!

Shown below is famed accessory design maven Shawna Anderson posing with her Jeffrey Campbell PARTY in orange and following is a picture of the Charm necklace!! We love our fans!! Stay tuned to Blog for give-a-ways, updates and sneak peaks.






April 10, 2008


When you google the word OAK it seems only natural that the first one million hits would be about trees, wood, forests etc. However, upon typing in the three-letter word the New York City mega-store comes up fourth after two hits for OAKland airport and a wikipedia explanation of trees. The guys from OAK are no strangers to press and genius marketing–they breathe it. Since their debut over six years ago on a tiny street in Williamsburg—to now basically owning the definition of “what to wear”

in NYC, OAK has never stopped surprising clients. Locations include Williamsburg, Park Slope, Bond Street in Manhattan, and the much shopped web store. OAK simply is the new BLACK.



Shoppers Say: “Sometims when you really want something, you find a way to but it. OAK is always making me find a way to buy things. Edgy, cool things.”



 Question: What  is the basic concept of your  store?

 Oak:It’s a super exclusive party where everyone’s on the list .

 Question: Who would you rather be Madonna or Kylie?

 Oak: Mariah.

 Question: Which line or collection are you currently obsessed with?

 Oak: Oak. Jeffrey Campbell. Lanyard. Harmon. Hood by Air. Ty McBride.

 Question:  Once and for all…do the OAK employees all live in one house in Bushwick?

 Oak: Yes.

 Question: In ten words or less describe OAK.

 Oak:New Yoak City.







April 9, 2008

*The following questions are with the Jeffrey Campbell Accounts which helped us style the re-launch for the new website.

Mini Mini Market/Shoe Market

Long before the street exploded with cuteness, giant scarves, Raybans and jeans disguised as tights, Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn was home to one store. Mini Mini Market. A true pioneer and front-runner of the “coolest neighborhood” in NYC, was a few blocks from the L train in the heart of the soon-to-be shopping hotspot. The owners recently opened their second concept store, Shoe Market, just one block away. Packed with walk able basics and favorite brands for men and women—Shoe Market was a welcomed addition to the street. Mini Mini Market came on board with Jeffrey during our first season—and our love affair has yet to waver. JC + MM =TLA
mini inside
Williamsburg Brooklyn
Shoppers Say: “Mini Mini Market has remained one of the neighborhood staples in fun shopping.”

Five with Mini Mini Market/Shoe Market April 2008.
Question: What is the basic concept of your store?
MM: “Fun, affordable fashion, ATTAINABLE fashion. We want to make you happy. We want you to look great. We want you to have fun with your feet!”
Question: Who would you rather be Kate Moss or Kate Spade?
MM: “The best in both. Well, Kate Moss really. With less drug use, and all of her Top Shop Clothes!”

Question: Which line or collection are you currently obsessed with?
MM: “Built by Wendy, United Bamboo, Marc by Marc Jacobs, Always, Always Judy Rosen, and Jcrew–yes, it is true.”
Question: With two very shopped stores just one block apart, are you guys thinking about anymore projects, neighborhoods, or surprises?
MM: “We have some things to sort out, maybe a small wholesale line? We will see.”

Question: In ten words or less describe Shoe Market your new store.
MM: “Classic and fashionable shoes, FUN, affordable, full service, good times…”

JEFFREY CAMPBELL WEBSITE RELAUNCH. A brief discussion, two lattes, and five questions with JC employee Ty McBride.

March 31, 2008


As with anything at the Jeffrey Campbell HQ (from here on out referred to as the JCHQ),  the relaunching of their website was a team effort. The New York based sales manager Ty McBride set to work on the site several months ago…and now it is finally almost finished. Pairing with a team completely comprised of Jeffrey Campbell clients and friends—the new JEFFREYCAMPBELLSHOES.COM is about to launch. I am not one to use the “F” word lightly, but the new site is Fierce.  

Under the direction of the web gurus at (PDX) Ty set out to create a site that truly captures the essence of the JC girl and client. While the site is not geared to serve as an E-commerce site– the focus is on providing information about where to buy your favorite JC style, inside scoops on the company and upcoming events, special interviews with favorite retailers and fashion icons, as well as tradeshow schedules and wholesale information. The blog will keep you up to date with all the latest in the JC gossip circle–and point you towards the next hottest shoe.

They shot the images for the new site in the basement (“photo lab”) of one of their favorite NYC account’s Bond St. location. OAK owner, and style genius, Louis Terline paired with Ty McBride of team Jeffrey Campbell to knock out a photoshoot that smelled like dirty sweat—and looked like hot fashion. Ty called on  some of his favorite accounts to each send two looks for the photo shoot. Carefully choosing stores from different demographics and regions of the U.S. McBride set out to truly show the diversity of their accounts, of the brand and of their consumer.

I met with Ty recently to discuss the relaunch of the site and what the concept really was all about. We sat for coffee in Brooklyn last week–shooting the shit over a few lattes.Here is what he had to say about the shoot, the site itself and corn-dogs.

Q: What was the vision for the photo shoot and the relaunch in general?
TMC: Well, we were well due for a fresh new look as far as the web goes–and we simply wanted the concept of our client to translate to the site. Since we will not be selling shoes….( I repeat not selling shoes here ladies stop with the crazy emails!!) we are trying to create a branded site which portrays our love of shoes. The look is very downtown. Very stark. Very easy, and dare I say it very Mary Kate  (laughs).

Q: Well who is this illusive JC girl you speak of?
TMC: Well, she is everywhere. She is a girl who is on a budget but knows the difference between style and fashion. That is the entire push behind our brand. We use vintage and runway inspired looks, give them our twist, and then put them out for you to pair with your favorite wardrobe pieces.  Jeffrey is a fun designer, and that attitude of fun and creativity definately shows through in the final product. Some of the craziest days I have had are thrifting with Jeff–he is like some creepy shoe encyclopedia–he knows it all!!

Q: Tell us about the photo shoot.
TMC: I asked my good friend Louis of OAK to help me shoot the site. I love his store and his approach to trends. We have this strange connection and secret language that nobody else gets. So when I say things like; “I wan the site to look like a cross between…the Madonna “MUSIC” video meets Kimberly from the Different Strokes circa her post-Paris modeling return where she ends up with an eating disorder….” He simply nods and says something like “I was thinking Joe from Facts of Life meets the girl who refuses to shop above 14th street.” Then we laugh hysterically and order another round. He knows that this site has to be “perfect”–yet he understand that the look I want for the project is “imperfection.” So, I asked him to style the looks and shoot the images. I assisted him on styling and hair and makeup was provided by Sabrina Rowe ( To style the model I pulled clothes from some of our favorite accounts… all of which are different and all of which provided great conceptual looks that tied right into what Louis and I were going for.The stores we used were SPANK (Vancouver BC), NEED SUPPLY CO. (Richmond, VA) OAK (NYC)  VILLAINS (SF), AMBIANCE (SF) ZIEZO (St. Louis) LF STORES (Nationwide) and MINI MINI MARKET (Brooklyn). Stores like Mini have been with us since our first deliveries, they even help us create shoes for the line. 

Q. What is your favorite thing about working for Jeffrey Campbell—and what is your exact job title?
TMC: My favorite thing is the corn-dogs. If I sell enough shoes at tradeshows, Jeffrey get’s me a corn-dog  afterwards. So, I like that…it’s ther perks you know.  We don’t really have Job titles. I mean, besides “JC Corn-dog Captain…” we are a small company–and we all wear so many hats. My big focus is on sales. I run and opened the new NYC showroom. I am also in charge of “fun.” This simply means I get to do all the fun projects like the website, the giveaways, the new logos, and product development. I have a few shoes that I aided in the design process of in the spring collection–and several fall boots too. I have so many favorite accounts–I get all the “fun” accounts since I am directional leader of that department!!

Q: Um, how do I get your job? It sounds so great?
TMC: Lots of resume beefing up, white lies, fibs, stalking, creative talking, retail work and ADD. I am not sure how I got the gig actually—I suppose on some level Jeffrey and I both have a sick obsession with shoes–it is this obsession that brought us together…not the Obession fragrance that I wore all through High School…circa ’94.

Q: What is next for Jeffrey Campbell?
TMC: We are currently working in what I like to call the “secret vault,” on some shocking styles for Fall 2 and Winter deliveries. There are a few other surprises in the bag–but I should keep those under wraps for now.

*Images taken from photo shoot for site.